Do You Know the Health Benefits Of Ginger?
Ginger also known as ginger root, belongs to the Zingiberaceae family and has many health benefits. Ginger is a rhizome (underground part of the stem) widely used as spice or herbs. It can be taken in its raw state or processed state.
Top ten benefits of Tiger Nut you didn’t know
WHAT IS TIGER NUT ? Tiger nuts, known as chufa nuts or earth almonds, despite its name are a tuber and not nuts. Tiger nuts can be taken either in their raw state or cooked state and benefits of tiger nut can
The best way to get rid of your Stretch Marks
Our body goes through stretches or shrinks all the time and the type of marks that develops when this occurs is known as stretch marks. Do you have stretch marks on your body? Do you wish to get rid of them? What Are
How to Maintain a Healthy Hair : Health Care Tips You’ll Love
How Hard Has it been for you to maintain Healthy Hair? Do you even know a Healthy Hair when you see one? Well, after reading this article you will be in a better position to differentiate healthy hair from unhealthy hair. If
The best way to make your tattoo shine and bright
You are thinking of having a tattoo! Or you already have one, and you are looking for the best way to keep your tattoo clean, nice and shining always? I am simply going to show you a simple way to achieve